Clear Aligners : Do’s and Dont’s

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Everything you need to know about how to care for your clear aligners. This is it, the moment you’ve been waiting for. Your TrueAligner clear aligners are here and ready to transform your smile.

Before you start your smile journey, read up on the do’s and don’ts of wearing clear aligners to keep your aligners and your teeth happy. 

Clear Aligner do’s

 ⦁ Protect your aligners from the sun, hot cars, and excessive heat

 ⦁ Keep your aligners stored safely away from pets and children when you’re not wearing them.

 ⦁ Get regular dental checkups and cleanings for the continued health of your teeth and gums. 

Clean your aligners before putting them in each time

Brush and floss your teeth before putting your aligners in.

 ⦁ Store your aligners in your case. 

⦁ Use cold or warm water when cleaning or rinsing your aligners. 

Clear aligner don’ts

 ⦁ Don’t use sharp objects to remove your aligners.

⦁ Don’t wrap your aligners in a napkin or paper towel.

⦁ Don’t use hot water to clean your aligners, and don’t place them in the dishwasher. High temperatures can damage them.

⦁ Don’t use denture cleaner on your aligners or soak your aligners in mouthwash, since this can damage or discolor them.

⦁ Don’t wear aligners while eating or drinking anything other than cool water.

⦁ Don’t bite your aligners into position. This can damage your aligners and your teeth.

Another clear aligner do:

Order your retainers a few weeks before finishing treatment so you have them as soon as you need them. Smile on, grinner. 

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