What Are Clear Aligners and How Do They Work?

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To start your teeth straightening process, you have to be aware of all the options modern orthodontics has, and choose the best option for your treatment. In this article we will talk about what TrueAligner is, and how they work, to fix your crooked teeth.

Aligners (invisible braces), like other types of braces, work by gradually shifting teeth into the ideal position, making your teeth straight. This is achieved through wearing a series of aligners, each for 2 weeks at a time, which move the teeth up to 0.3mm per aligner until the ideal alignment has been reached. Sometimes aligners can be named as clear braces, or transparent braces, because they are transparent. It means you will be able to wear them in front of people without them staring at your teeth, as it usually happens with metal brackets, or even ceramic braces.

Aligners, like other types of braces, work by gradually shifting teeth into the ideal position, making your teeth straight.

There are key differences between conventional braces and aligners. Braces apply a pull force that gradually shift teeth into place, and aligners use a push force to rotate your teeth. Each aligner you will be wearing, makes a smooth, very mild teeth rotation, more preferable for adults, without any gum bleeding and pain. In the beginning the orthodontist will examine you and calculate the teeth straightening steps and aligners price, as well as the amount of aligners, and that makes wearing invisible braces (aligners) for teeth improvement the safest and the most gentle approach for making your teeth straight.

What many people find surprising is that each aligner will actually move your teeth into the desired position within the first 24 hours of wear. So, you might have an obvious question: why do we insist on wearing each set of aligners for 14 days? Well, 14 days has been found to be the most suitable time to allow the bones and gums to settle into their new position, so you can be sure your teeth will not rotate back. Same as you can’t make your body perfect by going to the gym once, with aligners you need to take one step at a time, wear them on a regular basis, and follow your orthodontist’s recommendations – and get a great smile you’ve always wanted.



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