Can I wear Clear Aligners if i have my wisdom tooth? 

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Can I wear clear aligners if I still have my wisdom teeth?

We’re answering these commonly asked wisdom teeth questions to help you determine if TrueAligners’ clear aligners are right for you.

How long do I need to wait after having my wisdom teeth removed before I can start with TrueAligner?

Typically, you will need to wait 6 weeks after having your third molars (or wisdom teeth) removed before starting TrueAligner. If your dentist or surgeon feels it’s safe, you may be able to start earlier with a signed release form from their office.

Can I wear clear aligners if I still have my wisdom teeth?

If your dentist has recommended removal of wisdom teeth, then please follow that direction. Especially if your wisdom teeth growing in has caused your teeth to shift. If not you can go down to your nearest TrueAligner partnered clinic to check with the dentist if you’re suitable for this system.

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Can I wear Clear Aligners if i have my wisdom tooth?

Can I wear Clear Aligners if i have my wisdom tooth? Get In Touch With Our Doctors! Ask doctors for free, get expert answers. Can I wear clear aligners if I still have my wisdom teeth? We’re answering these commonly asked wisdom teeth questions to help you determine...

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